You can get these daily takes by continuously playing MW

The Daily Take
Day 1: Thai Baht//moscow money//NY Dollars
Day 2: 2 deposit safes in crime spree
Day 3: 2 Daily Chance ticket
Day 4: Energy Boost
Day 5: Random Collection Item (Floral in Bangkok)
Day 6: Gold Treasure Chest Key
Day 7: 5 energy stats

Added on 9:42 AM

If choose our path by visiting Vegas city..

There are 3 paths of doing jobs to reach Boss in each districts.
And you will see a map navigation.This is how to do jobs in Vegas :
Vegas has 6 districts.. you can unlocked one by one after you have defeated the Boss.. I have been to District 5 and won on the Boss Fight but somehow it won't let me to unlocked District 6 yet..
 Here are the mastery items u can get from each Districts..


Added on 2:58 PM