Crew Collections : New Feature

Asking for help -
1. You can only put out 1 request for 1 collection every 48 hours.
2. Up to 5 Mafia Members can help you on a single request only.
3. Once a Mafia member decides to help you, they must have the item drop from a random job. They only have limited time to do so.
Helping your Mafia -
1. You cannot help more than 1 friend at one time.
2. On successfully helping, both you and the friend get the item.
3. You can only help up to 5 friends in a 24 hour period.
Misc -
1. There is no re-vaulting of these collections.
2. You can ask for help once an item drops or straight from the collections page.
3. New crew collections will be added in the future.
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